Birch Watercolour Paint Night April 6, 2024
Birch Watercolour Paint Night April 6, 2024
with Azadeh Tehrani
Join Azadeh for an enchanting paint night where you’ll discover the art of painting beautiful birch trees with watercolors. Enjoy a delightful evening of creativity, wine, and refreshments. Bring a friend for added inspiration and immerse yourself in the joy of learning watercolor techniques under Azadeh’s guidance.
Supplies not included, so please bring:
Watercolour paper 300gsm/140lb – 100% cotton size A4
or smaller
Watercolour paints:
Prussian blue/phthalo blue
Burnt umber/burnt Sienna/any brown
Watercolour brush:
Round no 12/10/8
A flat brush for washing the paper and a brush that has a
pointy tip.
Watercolour palette, paper towel, masking tape, water
containers, a flat board to tape your paper on , pencil
and eraser.